- Review of existing municipal land use regulations to identify barriers to the implementation of Low Impact Sustainable Development
- Preparation of regulatory language changes to facilitate the adoption of Low Impact Sustainable Development
- Preparation of design manuals for the implementation of Low Impact Sustainable Development strategies and processes with an approach that simplifies the design process
- Application of environmental site design strategies to focus development concepts on land most suitable for development while enhancing the protection of environmentally sensitive areas
- Design of Low Impact Sustainable Development treatment systems, such as Bioretention areas, wet/dry swales, vegetated level spreaders, vegetated filter strips, subsurface gravel wetlands, constructed wetlands and/or pond systems, infiltration basins & trenches
- Hydrologic analyses of current and post-development conditions to assess impacts of proposed development on storm water flows
- Design of storm water control systems including detention and water quality basins and appropriate planting plans
- Perform hydrologic modeling of stormwater management systems to demonstrate compliance with regulatory benchmarks
- Prepare Pollutant loadings analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater treatment designs in reducing pollutant loads