Steve was invited by Hung Kwai Chen, Director of the Water Resources Planning Institute, Water Resource Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan and Dr. Yong Lai of the US Bureau of Reclamation to present a 12-hour presentation on Low Impact Development on December 8th and 9th, 2011 in Taichung, Taiwan. The presentation focused on applying LID strategies in both urban and rural environments to address runoff volumes and water quality issues. While in Taichung, Taiwan Steve received a tour of the Hydraulics Lab of the Water Resource Planning Agency, where the researchers had constructed a scale model of the Shiman reservoir to evaluate options for diverting sediment flows which enter the reservoir and require year round constant dredging to remove.
Steve is an invited consultant to a project team headed up by Xiaoyan Zhou, PhD of the Institute for Taiwan Water Environment Research (TIIWE) along with The National Taiwan Ocean University, Hohai Engineering Professor Liao Chaoxuan, Ting Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd and University of Colorado professor Guo Chunyuan to develop a LID demonstration project in New Taipei City along with LID policy strategies to further the use of LID in New Taipei City, Taiwan.